Creative Best is the annual awards competition held by the Columbus Society of Communicating Arts. Each year, our organization gathers the outstanding works submitted by professionals and students alike in Central Ohio. Creative Best is open to CSCA members and non-members living within 75 miles of Columbus. Students enrolled in a school or university located in the state of Ohio may enter their student work completed within an accredited arts, design, business, or communication curriculum. Winners will be honored at our annual awards show.

Submissions for all categories in the Creative Best 2024 show will continue up until 11:59 PM on October 3rd. Check out our full 2023 submission guide.

Online submissions will be accepted for all categories. Work will be viewed digitally and should follow digital or video submission guidelines:

  • Digital work meant to be viewed digitally (websites, apps, banner ads, etc.) should be submitted as a link to live content when possible. When not possible, please submit as locally running prototypes or PDFs at work’s intended size.
  • Submitted videos (or series of 3 or fewer related videos submitted together as a single entry) should total no more than 3 minutes in length. Please submit in .mov or .mp4 format. 
  • Work will be judged online and judges will view your work as you send it. For textural or dimensional pieces, like books and merch, we encourage including photos of the work as a whole, not just flat images

For any questions and more info on accepted formats email

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Examples: A set of three or more related pieces from one or more other categories.

Formats: Follow the format requirements specific to each piece in your campaign.

Judged On: Merits of individual pieces, cohesiveness, success applying concept to multiple touchpoints. 

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Examples: Moving Illustration: Animated videos, Cartoons, animated commercials, educational videos.

Formats: Video file (or series of related videos) in .mov or .mp4 format. URL to public video. Total runtime not to exceed 3 minutes.

Judged On: Creativity, Execution, editing, sound design and voice work, scene design, character design, animation.


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Examples: Writing in sales, promotional materials, website content, case studies and white papers. Writing in radio ads. Blog posts and articles.

Formats: PDF, video, audio, text, image file, or URL.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, success conveying message. If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the writing.  

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 Examples: Wall graphics, signage, point of sale, interior and exterior design, booths, wayfinding systems, dimensional space design, billboards.

Formats: Renders, photographs, video. PDF, image or video file. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), usability. Clarity and cohesiveness of signage, success of piece within space. 

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 Examples: Brand systems, collection of branded touchpoints, identity launch collateral (business cards, letterhead, swag, etc.). 

Formats: PDF or image file. A logo and up to 3 other items may be submitted.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, strength of concept, success of identity in representing subject, application of brand to different touchpoints.

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Examples: Illustration, illustrated typography, hand lettering, or iconography for print, packaging, digital, web, spot editorial and books.

Formats: Prints, photographs, tearsheets. PDF, video or image file. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution. If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the illustration. 

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Examples: Design for websites, apps, digital and publishing, interactive installations, user experience design.
Formats: URLs to web sites or app store pages. If piece is no longer live, submit PDF or locally running files.
Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), design aesthetics, presentation of information, functionality (if applicable).

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Examples: A single logo and/or word mark on a page. No more, no less. For identity systems with multiple assets, please submit in the Identity Systems category.
Formats: Single page PDF or image file.
Judged On: Creativity, execution, strength of concept, success of identity in representing subject.

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Examples: Moving Graphic Design: Motion graphics, kinetic type and iconography, opening sequences, trailers.

Formats: Video file (or series of related videos) in .mov or .mp4 format. URL to public video. Total runtime not to exceed 3 minutes.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, design, pacing, typography and iconography, sound design and voice work, animation, transitions. 

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Examples: Graphics and labels, consumer goods packaging, packaging for promotional pieces, other three-dimensional objects.

Formats: Photographs or renders, flat art, unboxing videos. PDF, image, or video file. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), production quality, shelf presence.

Examples: Photographs or photographic series of people, objects, products, portraits, food, interior, architectural, photo illustration.

Formats: Photographs. PDF or image file. Up to 6 related photos in a series may be submitted.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, photographic merits. If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the photography.  

Examples: Photographs or photographic series of people, objects, scenes, environmental portraits, documentary, landscape, brand images, photo illustration.

Formats: Photographs. PDF or image files. Up to 6 related photos in a series may be submitted.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, strength of concept, photographic merits. If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the photography.  

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Examples: Printed design work that is for sale. Art posters, apparel design, stationary, pins and patches.

Formats: Photographs or renders, flat art. PDF, image, or video file. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable) production quality, use of format. 

Examples: Printed pieces 8 or more pages in length. Periodical and book design, self-promotional print, annual reports, catalogs.

Formats: Photographs or renders, flat art. PDF, image, or video file.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), production quality, success of piece within space. 

Examples: Printed work under 8 pages. Cards, invitations and announcements, self-promotional prints, menus, brochures, direct mail.

Formats: Photographs or renders, flat art. PDF, image, or video file.

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable) production quality, use of format. 

Examples: Content created for digital platforms, including advertising and organic placement. Social media campaigns, TikTok and Reels videos, tweets, email blasts, banner ads. 

Formats: Digital or online submissions of PDF, video or image file. Link to live ad or mockup. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable).

Examples: Video or series of videos each under 30 seconds. Live action promotional videos, television ads, educational videos, trailers, demo reels. Focus on footage, editing, cinematography.

Formats: Video file (or series of 3 or less related videos) in .mov or .mp4 format or URL to public video. Total runtime not to exceed 30 seconds per video.

Judged On: Creativity, Execution, editing, cinematography, sound design and voice work. 

Examples:  Video or series of videos over 30 seconds. Live action promotional videos, television ads, educational videos, trailers, demo reels. Focus on footage, editing, cinematography.

Formats: Video file (or series of 3 or less related videos) in .mov or .mp4 format or URL to public video. Total runtime not to exceed 3 minutes.

Judged On: Creativity, Execution, editing, cinematography, sound design and voice work. 

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Examples: Any piece from any category created in the last year that was going to be great but got killed off by the client, creative director, budget, etc. Comps, storyboards and other partially finished work. Greeked text and other elements characteristic of unfinished work is ok but we unfortunately can’t accept work with watermarked or unlicensed photos or assets.

Formats: Follow the format requirements specific to each piece in your campaign. 

Judged On: Merits of the piece had it been completed. 

Examples: Any piece from any category unique to this year that was created for the greater good – signage, posters, online statements, PSAs, etc. that was made to inspire change for the better. 

Formats: Follow the format requirements specific to the category of your piece. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, clarity of message, effectiveness. 

Examples: A set of three or more related pieces from one or more other categories.

Formats: Follow the format requirements specific to each piece in your campaign. 

Judged On: Merits of individual pieces, cohesiveness, success applying concept to multiple touchpoints.  

Examples: Banner ads, social media content, email blasts.
Formats: Digital or online submissions of pdf, jpg or video. Link to live piece or mockup.
Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), presentation of information.  

Examples: Banner ads, social media content, email blasts.
Formats: Digital or online submissions of pdf, jpg or video. Link to live piece or mockup.
Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable), presentation of information.  

Examples: Logos, logos systems, identity launch collateral.

Formats: Printed samples. Online submission of PDF or image file. 

Judged On: Creativity, Execution, strength of concept, success of identity in representing subject. 

Examples: Illustration, illustrated typography, hand lettering, or iconography for print, packaging, digital, web applications, spot editorial and books, illustrated poster design.

Formats: Printed samples, photographic prints, tearsheets. Online submission of PDF, video or image file. 

Judged On: If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the illustration. Creativity, execution. 

Examples: Photographs or photo illustration for editorial, print, advertising or photographic series.
Formats: Photographs. PDF or image file. Up to 6 related photos in a series may be submitted.
Judged On: Creativity, execution, photographic merits. If other elements present, piece is to be judged only on the quality of the photography. 

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Examples: Packaging, wall graphics, signage, advertising and promotional posters, billboards, art posters, apparel design, stationary, pins and patches, cards, invitations and announcements, periodical and book design, self-promotional prints, menus, brochures, direct mail.

Formats: Physical samples, photographic or rendered prints, flat art samples. Online submission of PDF or image file. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, art, copy and photography (as applicable) production quality, use of format. 

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Examples: Motion graphics, animation or live action video.

Formats: Digital or online entry in .mov or .mp4 format. Video, or series of related videos, with total runtime not to exceed 3 minutes. 

Judged On: Creativity, execution, design, pacing, typography and iconography, sound design and voice work, animation, transitions and editing.  

Columbus Society of Communicating Arts